Three Treatment Options For A Dog's Anal Gland Issues

Dogs can often experience challenges with the glands in their anus. If you know what to look for, this is a condition that is easy for the average dog owner to identify. For example, you might see your dog dragging their backside on the floor of your home or obsessively licking around their anal region. If you notice these behaviors, schedule an appointment with your veterinarian. Anal gland issues can be uncomfortable for your pet, so it's important for the pet to receive prompt care from a professional. Here are three treatment options that the vet may use to deal with your dog's anal gland issues.

Expressing The Glands

One of the first things that your veterinarian will do is express the anal glands of your dog. This is a simple process that involves placing the finger in the dog's anus and applying gentle pressure against the glands. Expressing the glands will release a foul-smelling liquid that will quickly help to relieve the pet's discomfort. When the glands are full, the anal region will feel swollen and inflamed. The elimination of the contents of the glands will help this part of the dog's body to feel more normal.

Prescribing Antibiotics

Infection can often be present when your dog is suffering from anal gland issues. The infection will cause significant inflammation in this part of the dog's body, which is part of the reason for the animal's discomfort. In addition to expressing the glands, you can expect that the veterinarian will prescribe antibiotics for you to give your dog. The duration that you'll need to administer this medication may depend on the severity of the infection. By the time you've given the last dosage, you should no longer see any signs that your dog is experiencing discomfort with this part of their body.

Discussing Prevention

Anal gland issues can occur again in the future, but your veterinarian will provide you with some information about how to decrease this risk. There are various simple things that you can do to keep your dog's anal glands healthy. Regular exercise and the consumption of a healthy, vet-approved diet are instrumental to good overall health, and this includes good health of the anal glands. The vet will provide specific exercise and dietary advice based on several factors, including the breed of your dog and their age. Don't hesitate to visit the animal clinic if you believe your dog has anal gland issues.

For more information on veterinary services, contact a professional near you.
